How to get from Phuket Airport to Krabi (fast, comfortable and safe)

Many people fly to Thailand over the Christmas and New Year holidays and thus prices can be a bit steep for that part of the world, however, even during this peak time of the year, there is still no public transport between Phuket Airport and Krabi. It is easy to get to Phuket's beaches from the airport with Tuk Tuk, minibus or a private taxi, however, the transport going to the other direction from Phuket Airport to Krabi is a bit scarce. You can opt into going to Phuket town bus station first and catching a Krabi bus from there, but it will set you back at least 2 hours as Phuket town is in the opposite direction than Krabi from the Phuket airport. You can of course, grab a taxi right in front of the airport and try to haggle your trip rate to Krabi, but you never know what you are getting yourself into. Eventhough, Thai people appear very nice and friendly, getting stiffed on taxi fare is not uncommon. :).

Don't worry though, I have the best hidden secret for you. To get from Phuket Airport to Krabi in record time (about 1.5 hours), simply visit Mr. Charlee's blog or email him at chaypatong (at) hotmail (dot) com with the dates/times and flight number of your arrival to Phuket Airport and then just sit back and relax as your transport is sorted. Chay will come to the airport with a personalized sign of your name and will have bottles of fresh cold water waiting for you in his air-conditioned car. If you need to know more about the area, Mr. Charlee will explain everything and will give you insights into where to go etc. On the way to Krabi (about half way), you can also ask him to stop to see the Monkey cave and wonder around the area without fear of your luggage being left unattended in the car. The price is about 2500 BHT in peak season and I am sure it could be lower in off season, just talk with Mr. Charlee over email to sort out the details. If you think that you can get to Krabi cheaper, this is probably true, however, it will be much hassle and a lot more time and at the end if you add it all up, it could even be more expensive.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the trip from Phuket Airport to Krabi, please do not hesitate to leave a comment below. If you need more information about Thailand, see our Thailand section.