Weekends in Buenos Aires belong to local fairs and the always entertaining street performers. On Saturday, there is an intriguing arts and crafts fair right in front of the famous Recoleta cemetery. On Sunday, there is a unique arts and antique fair on the Defense street in San Telmo where you can make your day by munching down on some great empañadas off the street sellers and flushing them with cool liter of Quilmes.
Another place we paid a visit was the local Planetario in Palermo. The night sky show is very good, however, I wouldn´t recommend it if you are not very proficient in the Spanish language. We couldn´t make much out of the commentary:). The Holocaust museum in Recoleta is on the other hand very well documented with a guide written in English. It is the only museum of this sort in South America and it gives its visitors a good view in to the life of Jewish communities during the war and also how it affected Argentina. There are also on display the falsified documents of Adolf Eichmann who was one of the mastermind in the Jewish extermination during the world war. He was luckily captured by the Israeli folks after living normal life in Argentina for a few years and put to trial and hanged.
During our stay in Argentina we couldn´t escape the famous Parillada in one of the local restaurants. The meat lovers special consists of pretty much anything and everything that can be harvested from cows starting from glands, kidneys, blood sausages to tender steaks. Though Jenni started off as being very hungry and interested, it slowly dwindled out as she explored the grill. Thus salad became the food of choice. However, I have to say that the tripe was probably the least favorite, but the glands were a very pleasant surprise especially if dipped into the hot chimichurri sauce. Well that is about it from our travels, tomorrow we are off back to Europe to attempt to reunite with the everyday hussle and bussle of life.
What an absolutely fabulous adventure! Thanks so much for sharing your travels!
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