Now we have finally managed to catch up with the blog posts to our current position which is a small city in the middle of Vietnam, called Hoi An. This small old town is known for its plentiful tailor shops amongst other things. They seriously are everywhere, probably close to 100 in a town of 75,000 people. Obviously, we have not withstoond the pressure to purchase a made to fit clothes for quite cheap, so with the objective of buying a shirt or a suit, two days later we came out with 3 suits, 3 shirts, skirt, t-shirt, bikini and a tie. (Probably around 300 euro, so not too bad for custom made stuff). Definitely a worth while experience.
One day we decided to rent a small motorbike for one of the days we spent here and go north of Hoi An. After a few kilometers, we found out that honking at bikes/people we were passing was a must as they usually do not look into their rearview mirrors (so after enduring endless hours in buses that were constantly blarring their horns on passing vehicles, we finally experienced it first hand). Neverhtless, we survived and returned the motorbike in prestine condition :). A few km north of Hoi An is a bigger city called Danang where a famous China beach is present.

Currently, the beach is not for swimming as the floods torturing the area during this time of the year are quite bad, so water is murky with a lot of debris everywhere. So instead of a dip, we managed to find a small hostel/pub near the beach where we stopped for a quick drink. The owner (Hoa), short, dark skinned fella, seemed to be an interesting character at a first site. After a lemonade and a tea, we have agreed that Hoa's place would be a wonderful site for a short holiday in the summer (he does rent out surfboards :)).
We actually had a good luck with the weather when visiting Hoi An. The rain here seemed to come as quickly as it left and usually only in the evenings. Neverthless, the water has risen a few more inches since we have gotten here, so it is time to move on. Hopefully, the rainy season will spare the locals as much as possible as I cannot even imagine how difficult flooding after flooding could be.
Today, we are waiting for an overnight bus (only seats) to our next destination Nha Trang.
Looks fierce good. Do you guys have a picasaweb folder or equivalent where you put up more pictures?
All the best now and stay safe!
- Matti
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