Our hostel was a true backpacker's paradise with everything geared toward the needs of someone on the road. Also, Chengdu is full of outdoor stores with every possible piece of equipment. We have taken advantage of this and bought a pair of hiking boots for about 40 euro. (so when people tell you, don't worry about buying some stuff before you leave, you can get it there. They are mostly correct :)). Furthermore, if you like spicy food, this is the place to be. The local delicacy is called the hotpot and we of course had to try it (with the help of arms and legs we ordered one). It was a pot full of spicy pepers and one 5kg fish with all of its fins, even the head. To ease the burning pain of the spice, we were sipping a peanut butter milk which was quite tastey. It was only 100 snot filled napkins later we realised, we could have gotten half the pot non-spicy and half spicy :). Very good food though.
What is here to do? Well, there are a couple of mountains to hike on where temperatures go down to -1 degrees in October, so we decided against this as we weren't equipped for this. However, the main attraction seems to be the Giant Panda Breeding Research Center. Even though it sound a lot more natural than it actually is, the research there offers some good insights into pandas' lives. The facilities are pretty large and very zoo like which was quite disappointing.
Chengdu was great, now onto our next destination, Chongquing and then river Yang Tze cruise through the Three Gorges.
Hey guys, just caught up with your adventures and yummy bug meals. How are you managing to blog in three languages at once? Are all the posts the same/translated, or are we getting different stories depending on the language? Suddenly makes me wanna learn Finish and Czech :) The blog looks amazing and the picture gallery is killer! Thanks for the posts and keep 'em coming. Hugs, Paola
PS: Still no chance you'll swing by the states?
I love Pandas !
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